The building is located in its geographical location in the model, and with the coordinates the studies of terrain, orientation, winds and energy efficiency are carried out.
They are linked to the project. Each modification of the model is reflected in the quantification, ensuring accuracy in all instances of the work, allowing significant savings during the purchase of materials and their use on site.
All the documentation will be taken from a single 3D model, in order to avoid mistakes during construction. Once the 3D model is ready during the concept design, it rules all work instances, as well as the building maintenance. All the engineering (sanitary installations, electrical installations, structural calculation, Air Conditioning Installations, Low Voltage Installations), will be analyzed at the project stage, leaving only the construction of these works at the site. Each analysis process will be made in a 3D digital model. The way the building will be performed is taken into account from the first day, and that is how it is materialized in reality, the same processes and work stages are respected at the building site.
There will be a general communication channel and publications throughout the project stage, which will allow the documentation and progress of the work to be followed online and in real time. Online 3D tours will be available to analyze and “walk through” the project.
We generate realistic images of the exterior, on the finished project, to have a visualization of the building. During the concept design, we make virtual tours to verify the project.

These stages are intended to optimize, reduce construction costs and use of materials. To achieve this, all the measurements that the constructor requires for optimization can be obtained from the 3D model.
3D Certification of work progress by item. With a previous configuration, when selecting the working progress in the model, all the measurements necessary for certification are shown, saving time for this task.
Customize all that the construction company needs to improve its service and avoid risks or hidden defects. For example, a concrete filling control can be done, marking each of the stages filled with each truck and its corresponding specimen. Allowing quickly to obtain the structural elements that were filled with the concrete of each of the analyzed specimens, if a failure, we have the affected sector with precision in our model, and thus take the appropriate measures for its resolution.
They are linked to the project. Each modification of the model will modify also the quantification, ensuring accuracy in all instances of the work, allowing significant savings during the purchase of materials and their use on site. In addition, they generate significant savings in the purchase of installation materials, regarding that every element involved is taken into account in the 3D model and there are no place for error.
There will be a general communication channel and publications throughout the construction stage, which will give access to the documentation and the progress of the works online and in real time, generating traceability in the data.
Provides complementary information to the model based on a work schedule:
Planning optimization in the project management and the work site is a fact thanks to the software we use.
The fourth dimension allows the analysis and control of construction phases. In this way, professionals can coordinate the different topics and plan the activities related to the construction process, see the progress of activities from the design phase, in order to obtain advantages, such as:
- to control and optimize the work execution time
- to check for possible duplications
- evaluate different situations and scenarios.
The architecture project should be respected both in the structural instance of the building and in the details. To that aim, we carry out the construction site management. With the documentation executed in the project stage, we have the tools so that it takes place in due time and form.
From the processes and protocols pre-established by the studio, we monitor operations, from the moment materials are ordered, their delivery, the file of remittances and the removal of each one of them. This helps us to ensure any deviation that may be happening during the task.
We link the 3D model with the items considered in the metric computation and budget, making the purchases of materials more effective and precise. Avoiding delays due to lack of material, avoiding increases in the budget due to extra purchases, making deliveries more effective according to the demand of each stage, etc. All this precision of the data obtained, also allows us to have a better control of the materials delivered and their correct use on site.
From the work scheduling and 4D models, the cash flows are made with their respective investment curves, giving a hint over time about the financial situation of the work.
3D model according to work, with all the information loaded throughout the construction process as a 3D maintenance manual. The presentation is completed by a complete executive documentation that interacts with each other in an intelligent way, displaying any constitutive element of the project in both formats at the same time.

Interior design
The project can be completed defining each detail in the interior of the house. The client’s identity is complemented by the architecture in rooms. The project not only manifests itself through formal and spatial values, but also through interior design details. The experience acquired by completing our studies at Politecnico di Milano contributes to that aim. Functionality, comfort and aesthetics are combined and place the user in the center of stage, thus ensuring optimal results.